
Computer/Terms 2008. 11. 6. 15:52

내가 아는 Uno는 피자집 밖에 없는데.

아는 사람이 물어서 궁금해서 찾아봤다.

Uno stands for Universal Network Objects. Uno is one of the accepted projects of

Uno is the component model of Uno offers interoperability between programming languages, other components models and hardware architectures, either in process or over process boundaries, in the Intranet as well as in the Internet. Uno components may be implemented in and accessed from any programming language for which a Uno implementation (AKA language binding) and an appropriate bridge or adapter exists.

The Uno web is organized as described in Uno/Meta/Organization.

Probably most interesting for many people is, what we are currently doing in Uno, which you can find in the efforts area. One of the bigger things is the extension of Binary Unos threading-model.

언제쯤 똑똑해지는 날이 올까?


Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자