TR-069 (short for Technical Report 069) is a DSL Forum technical specification entitled CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP). It defines an application layer protocol for remote management of end-user devices.
As a bidirectional SOAP/HTTP based protocol it provides the communication between CPE and Auto Configuration Servers (ACS). It includes both a safe auto configuration and the control of other CPE management functions within an integrated framework. In the course of the boom of the broadband market, the number of different Internet access possibilities grew as well (e.g. modems, routers, gateways, Set-top box, VoIP-phones). At the same time the configuration of this equipment became more complicated -- too complicated for the end-users. For this reason the TR-069 standard was developed. It provides the possibility of auto configuration of these access types. The technical specifications are managed and published by the DSL Forum. Using TR-069 the terminals can get in contact with the Auto Configuration Servers (ACS) and establish the configuration automatically. Accordingly other service functions can be provided. TR-069 is the current standard for activation of terminals in the range of DSL broadband market. Other fora, such as Home Gateway Initiative (HGI) and DVB, are endorsing CWMP as the protocol for remote management of home network devices (e.g. the HGI gateway) and terminals (e.g. the DVB IPTV STB).
Functions supported by TR-069:
Autoconfiguration and dynamic service activation
initial CPE configuration
remote CPE configuration
firmware management
version management
update management
status and performance control
logfile analysis and dynamic messages
connectivity and service control.
In the future TR-069 will control many additional options of the CPEs additionally to the pure standards for activation:
enquiry of the equipment functions
enquiry of information, diagnostics, status and capacity
firmware management
automatic process-controlled alarm
irrespective gateway data model, in access with TR-064 it is upgradeable with secondary equipment and functions