Computer/Terms 2008. 3. 1. 09:31

(Graphics Device Interface) The traditional programming interface (API) for output in Windows. When an application needs to display or print, it makes a call to a GDI function and sends it the parameters for the object that must be created. GDI in turn "draws" the object by sending commands to the screen and printer drivers, which actually render the images. See DirectX and device context.

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

Device Context

Computer/Terms 2008. 3. 1. 09:25

A data structure in Windows programming that is used to define the attributes of text and images that are output to the screen or printer. The device context (DC) is maintained by GDI. A DC, which is a handle to the structure, is obtained before output is written and released after the elements have been written. See GDI.

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자


Computer/Network 2008. 2. 27. 15:42

관련 뉴스들:, 광가입자망 시장 AON 두각 (하나로ㆍKT 수도권 단지 구축, 수동형보다 경제성 좋아 선호),39031057,39141726,00.htm, 광가입자망 장비시장「AON 기술」급부상 (PON의 절반가격…기능은 100Mbps급 제공)
- 통방융합, 유무선 통합 등을 지원할 광가입자망(FTTH) 장비시장에 경제성을 앞세운 AON(능동형 광네트워크) 기술이 새롭게 급부상하고 있다.

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자